Comments Posted By CKL Young
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1870 till 1920 déjà vu

African Americans were first permitted to vote in 1870.
American women were first permitted to vote in 1920.
That’s 50 years that for one reason or another that African Americans were essentially treated with more dignity and respect than women. Think of it, they received more respect than the wives, daughters, and sisters did from their own husbands, fathers, and brothers. It took 50 years for the male voters to eventually see the cruel and unforgivable lack of fairness in the status of women between the sad years of 1870 and 1920. And, it was THE WOMEN, the suffragettes, who forced the issue--and championed their own defense of their Right to vote. The men eventually acceded to their entreaties for justice, but it was the women who brought the issue to the fore.

Now, in 2008, we as a nation of voters--and especially women--are again confronted by two choices: Do we again slight women by voting to favor an African American for the prestigious job of President of the United States merely because he is personable and has excellent oratorical abilities? And do we then exclude a wonderfully personable and charming woman who also possesses outstanding oratorical abilities? What, ultimately, are our aspirations?

Ladies and gentlemen, this is a groundbreaking election. It is precedent setting just as was the Fifteenth Amendment of 1870, and the Nineteenth Amendment of 1920. It is impossible to imagine women back in those sorrowful years...shaking their heads in utter disbelief at their second class status….

Men need to respect women more, but in truth, women also, need to respect themselves more. Once again it is women who are called upon to stand up for themselves and claim their Right to high executive office. Just as freedom needs to be defended (and that means fought for) so does breaking through the ‘glass ceiling!’

Women in particular should review their choices carefully, and ask: Who would best represent my interests? Which candidate is most likely to lend a sympathetic ear to the difficulties and challenges that I must personally face? Which of these two candidates would be most accessible, most likely to take my phone call, most likely to read my letter with heartfelt understanding and concern?

Ladies: The time has again come to defend your interests. Vote to achieve greater respect. Vote your heart. Vote for what feels right. Vote to advance your status in America. You have the power if you use it.
Please feel free to blog these thoughts along. CK Young

Comment Posted By CKL Young On 12.09.2008 @ 17:39

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